Take a Quiz Take a Quiz Full Name * Email * Phone * What type of person are you? Social Romantic Private Are you passionate about gardening? Yes No What kind of garden would you like? Easy to maintain (yourself) Complex with a variety of plants (you might need someone to mentain it) Complex (maintained by you) What variety of plants would your garden have? Mostly Flowers Mostly Shrubs Trees Evergreen Diversified Do you have children? Yes No Do you think of having a playground? Not applicable Yes No Do you have pets? Yes No Do you think of having a designed area for your pets? Not applicable Yes No Do you want a water or pond feature? No Yes water feature Yes pond feature Is your garden? Largely in the shade Largely in the sun North facing or exposed If you would like diversity in your garden, what would you choose? Relaxing area Yoga/mediation area Sunbathing area Playground for children Barbeque area Get together (family and friends area) Is Lighting your garden desired? Yes No Do you want seasonal lighting? No Yes summer lighting Yes Christmas lighting Yes lighting for each season What personlity would you like your garden to have ? Static (evergreens) Cromatic (mostly flowers) Fragrant (mostly fragrant plants that attract wildlife) Dynamic (plants that create movement & sound to your garden) Modern What style of garden would you like (link to more information see below – Styles of Gardens) ? Geometric Landscape Mixed Formal Happy Romantic Quiet & calming What type of garden would you like (link to more information see below- Types of Gardens)? Mediterranean Garden Modern Chic Minamilist Garden English Garden (Cottage or Rustic style) Japanese Garden What size of garden do you have ? Small (500m2 or less) Medium (500m2 – 1000m2) Medium Large (1000m2 – 3000m2) Large (>3000m2) Corporate/Industrial If you are human, leave this field blank. Send Quiz